Umthombo - Durban, S. Africa (CDD)

Umthombo is a pioneering South African organisation based in Durban, providing a fusion of sports and arts activities alongside psychosocial support, training and long-term aftercare; through these programmes they are able to accompany the children and young people as they begin to deal with the traumas they’ve experienced and start to find alternatives to a life on the streets.

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Justine Ferland
Gaza (CDD)

A CDD made toward two projects in Gaza seeking to address the trauma and impact of the blockade and working to build a long-term future that will not be governed by conflict, fear and dependence on aid programmes.

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Justine Ferland
Grassy Narrows River Run - Canada

The Grassy Narrows community has been through many traumas including forced attendance in church-run residential schools, coerced relocation away from their traditional living areas, hydro damming flooding sacred sites and wild rice beds, clearcut logging of their forests, and mining. Yet the impact of mercury poisoning magnifies all these traumas.

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Advantage Africa & Albinism - Uganda

Advantage Africa was founded in 2002, and they work to support people affected by poverty and disability to improve their education, health and incomes. Their work helps some of East Africa’s most vulnerable people to overcome stigma, help themselves and build a better future for their families and communities.

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Alrowwad Theatre – Palestine

Since 1998, Alrowwad has been driven by volunteerism. All of their activities were and are still free. The wonderful support of friends and partners who have teamed up with Alrowwad have helped fund their efforts to date via sporadic donations, however Alrowwad does not have any fixed funding commitment from any private donor or organisation, and fundraising is a continuous work.

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Justine Ferland