LYT Newsletter January 2025

Dear Team LYT, 

One million pounds.

One. MILLION. pounds.

That’s what you’ve helped us to raise in the last 10 years.  We crossed the 1 million mark in early November of last year, and quite frankly, we’re still astounded by it.  Every single pound - every one - came from you.

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Justine Ferland
LYT Newsletter July 2024

To our incredible team of supporters,

 Happy Summer!  We have SO much to tell you - it’s our TEN YEAR anniversary, we just gave away over £32,000 and we have a brand new partner for the second half of this year.. 

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Justine Ferland
TEN YEARS of Let Yourself Trust

As fired up as I was when Justine and I dreamed our vision to start our charity ‘Let Yourself Trust’, there was absolutely no way I could have envisaged how much we would all achieve together in these past ten years.

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Justine Ferland
A Suitcase Full of Sunscreen

Four months ago I packed two suitcases. One with the necessities. One with 50 bottles of sunscreen. (Which, one could easily argue, were the larger necessity on this particular trip.) I stepped on a plane at Heathrow, and I stepped off into Africa.. the land where Man began, and where the oldest roads are elephant paths.

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Justine Ferland Comment
A Thousand Bricks of Solidarity

The father and his sons proceeded to build a home on that land, hand mixing every batch of concrete they painstakingly troweled onto cement bricks, until one month later, they had a home. The father, Yeaqub, was at work one day not long after when a neighbour called. He told Yeaqub the soldiers had come, and they had demolished his brand new home.

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