Just Small Change - Uganda (CDD)

Just Small Change is a UK registered charity working in Uganda.  They have three projects in the Budaka District of Eastern Uganda which interlink to improve families livelihood, namely a Goat rearing project, a Village Savings & Loan programme and Village Health Teams.

The Goat and Village Savings schemes empower the women in the communities and give them the chance to improve their own lives and those of their households. Both these schemes become self- sustaining after 2 years.  

The Village Savings and Loan scheme is a simple but very powerful programme which aims to increase household income and resilience. It helps members to work together, combining their savings to make a viable amount for one member to then borrow, get started in a micro business and then repay with interest. This larger sum is then loaned out to another member and so on.  

LYT is proud to have funded 180 women (6 groups of 30) in the Village Savings and Loan scheme with a CDD of £3000. 

Please visit their website to learn more about this incredible project:


Justine Ferland