Laughter Africa - Sierra Leone

Laughter Africa's vision is a world where street children are respected as human beings and given the dignity of a safe, secure place where their basic needs are met and where they can learn to laugh again.  They strive to achieve this by working with the street children in the following three-phased approach: Outreach Work, an Interim Care Center, and home tracing and family reunification work.  They also carry out advocacy and campaigning work for the rights of street-children in Sierra Leone.  In their 9 years of existence, Laughter Africa have worked with over 5,000 street children.

Outreach work involves their social workers meeting the children living on the streets through night surveys or their mobile project. Their first priority is dealing with the immediate needs of the street children on the street. They may be hungry and need food. They may be ill and need medical care. They may have been raped and need someone to talk to. They may be having legal trouble with the police or judiciary and need someone to advocate on their behalf. They may be lonely or grieving and just need a listening ear. Whatever they need, Laughter Africa is willing to provide.

Each day, the following is provided: Medical and health care, Food and water, Counselling, basic education, workshops (workshops are provided on drug education, basic hygiene and other life skills that help the children survive the realities of street life) and activities such as arts and crafts, dance, drama, song writing, film nights, etc.

The Laughter Africa Interim Care Centre is a safe place for street children to live while attempts are made to find their families. At the Interim Care Centre food, clothing, health care, education, counselling, support and other essentials are provided.

With their family reunification work, social workers trace the street children’s families in the hope that the parties can be reunited. Reunification with their families is dependent on whether the family situation is safe and secure. If this is not the case, for instance if there is sexual or physical abuse known to have taken place, then an alternative long-term home will be found.  Once the children have returned home, Laughter Africa offers continued support and pays for their school fees and other school support until they finish their WASSCE (the Sierra Leone equivalent of A-levels) or pays for vocational training – whichever option the child prefers. The children still remain part of the Laughter Africa family. 

Read more about their incredible work here:

Justine Ferland