Our Mission
Let Yourself aims to make a small difference out of great love and commitment by challenging injustice wherever it’s found, educating via advocacy, campaigning for human rights, and raising issues that have been forgotten or ignored via fundraising initiatives, thus bringing about greater awareness for beautiful people in powerless situations.
Our Projects
Let Yourself Trust funds 2 large projects a year, with focus/fundraising for each project running for 6 months from wherever Martyn stands on stage during that time period. Here is where you will find information on the current project being funded, previous partnerships, Community Development Donations, and future plans.

Just under £725,000 (just under $900,000 US/over $1.2 Million CAD)
donated by us to our partners as of December 2024..
LYT has supported 20 Main projects, led 5 volunteer trips, given 33 Community development donations & partnered with 6 Artist Ambassadors.
Working worldwide
In 22 countries so far - West Bank Palestine & Gaza, Guatemala, Wales, Uganda, Canada, England, America, India, Belgium, Holland, Greece, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Nepal, Mexico, the Democratic Republic of Congo,Ethiopia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Haiti.
I am proud to support the Let Yourself Trust and Martyn’s dreams of a fairer world.
– Bob Harris, OBE

Our team
Our dedicated Team is made up of our founder, a staff of one, and a board of four trustees who govern the charity.