Running Space - UK (CDD)

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Promoting Life, Beating Suicide

RunningSpace’s passion and calling are to see every life lived in all its fullness and not one be lost to suicide.

How do they achieve this?

  • By educating and training communities to become able, appropriate and available to those suffering with thoughts of suicide.

  • By pioneering a worldwide movement of runners who will run, and raise awareness for those affected by suicide.

  • By working with communities to build prevention and recovery programmes which include Walk2Run groups,  building relationship connections,  developing links with clinicians, facilitating volunteering, and job creation for example.

Physical activity is a great way to create space in our lives. We all know that running is good for us, but it can be difficult to get started and take the first step. In RunningSpace’s Walk2Run groups, you will learn correct running techniques as well as gaining fitness and confidence through walking and running. Qualified running coaches lead groups to teach you to progress from walking to running. 80% of their participants are completely new to running so everyone will be starting from a similar place, and they also invite you to join them for refreshments after the sessions because rest and recovery with old and new friends are just as important as the session itself. They also deliver 1:1 coaching for those who need more help to get started or want to progress at a different rate.

Walk2Run sessions are FREE and you can just turn up at the beginning of a session to join anytime.


safeTALK is a half-day (3.5 hours) training course provided by RunningSpace that can help you make a difference. Through learning, discussion and practice, it will show you what to do if you suspect someone’s suicidal, and help you to practice the TALK steps – Tell, Ask, Listen and Keep-safe.   

safeTALK is internationally recognised and evidence-based training that will help you to start conversations that could save a life. It shows you the signs to look for, ways to communicate and the appropriate places to direct someone having suicidal thoughts to find further help.

It’s the only quality and standard suicide prevention training in the world, and is approved by the World Health Organisation.

To learn more about the incredible work being done by RunningSpace, visit their website at: or connect over to their Facebook page.

Come and run with us, it might just change your life.

Justine Ferland